Fundamentals of Linear Control
Mauricio de Oliveira
Supplemental material for Chapter 2
Before You Start
In this script you will continue to perform basic calculations and plotting data. In addition to the commands already used, the following MATLAB commands will be used:
- ode45 and deval, to solve a differential equation (more about that on Chapter 5);
You will also use the following auxiliary commands:
- array2table, to create a table object for nicely displaying an array.
2.3 Dynamic Response
Plot the values of the response:
for various values of and
ybar = 1;
T = 4;
N = 5;
bsy0s = [.3 .5; .5 1.5; 1. 0; 3. 2; -2 .99];
t = linspace(0,T,100);
y = zeros(N,length(t));
for i = 1 : N;
b = bsy0s(i, 1);
y0 = bsy0s(i, 2);
y(i,:) = ybar * (1 - exp(-b * t)) + y0 * exp(-b * t);
% Fig. 2.4:
plot(t, y, [0 T], ybar*[1 1], 'k--');
leg = [char(ones(N, 1) * double('$\lambda$ = ')) num2str(-bsy0s(:,1),'%+2.1f~')];
h = legend(leg, 'Location', 'NorthEast');
set(h, 'Interpreter', 'latex')
ylim([0 2])
2.4 Experimental Dynamic Response
Load the car data once again:
% load data for dynamic car model
load CarModel
and average the last 15 samples to obtain an estimate of :
% linear fit
N = length(td);
T = td(N);
uTilde = 1;
% fit ybar to last 15 points
NTilde = 15;
yTildeHat = mean(vd(N-NTilde:N));
pOverBHat = yTildeHat / uTilde;
pOverBHat = round(pOverBHat,1) % round
Then estimate by fitting a line to the function
% fit lambda to first 11 points
Nlambda = 11;
r = (yTildeHat - vd) ./ yTildeHat;
r = r(1 : Nlambda);
lr = log(r);
tr = td(1 : Nlambda);
lambdaHat = lr / tr;
lambdaHat = round(lambdaHat,2) % round
bOverMHat = - lambdaHat
pOverMHat = bOverMHat * pOverBHat;
pOverMHat = round(pOverMHat,2) % round
The resulting fit can be visualized on the plot:
% Fig 2.6:
plot([0 tr(end)], lambdaHat * [0 tr(end)], tr, lr, 'ok');
xlabel('t (s)')
ylabel('ln r(t)')
ylim([-1.1 0])
Plot the complete fit along with the data:
tl = linspace(0,T,100);
yl = yTildeHat * (1 - exp(lambdaHat*tl));
% Fig 2.5:
plot(tl, yl, 'r', ...
td(N-2*NTilde-4:N-NTilde-1), vd(N-2*NTilde-4:N-NTilde-1), 'kx', ...
td(N-NTilde : N), vd(N-NTilde : N), 'ks', ...
td(1:N-2*NTilde-5), vd(1:N-2*NTilde-5), 'ko',...
[0 T], pOverBHat*[1 1], 'k--');
xlabel('t (s)')
ylabel('y(t) (mph)')
title(['y(t) = ' num2str(pOverBHat,3) '(1 - exp(' num2str(lambdaHat, 2) ' t))'])
ylim([0 80])
2.5 Dynamic Feedback Control
Calculate the open- and closed-loop figures of the response of the linear car model to a constant target velocity of mph:
% response to constant target velocity
yBar = 60
N = 4;
ks = [0 0.02 0.05 0.5];
taus = zeros(N,1);
yTildes = zeros(N,1);
Hs = zeros(N,1);
% open loop
uBar = yBar / pOverBHat;
yTilde = pOverBHat * uBar;
yTildes(1) = yTilde;
taus(1) = 1/bOverMHat;
Hs(1) = 1;
% closed loop
for i = 2 : N;
bb = bOverMHat + pOverMHat * ks(i);
yTilde = yBar * pOverMHat * ks(i) / (bOverMHat + pOverMHat * ks(i));
yTildes(i) = yTilde;
taus(i) = 1/bb;
Hs(i) = yTilde / yBar;
% Table 2.1: Linear closed-loop gains
mat = [ks' Hs 1-Hs yTildes taus log(9)*taus];
colNames = {'K','H0','S0','yTilde','tau','tr'};
array2table(mat, 'VariableNames', colNames)
Calculate the complete response and associated control inputs:
T = 30;
cs = ['g';'r';'b';'m'];
t = linspace(0,T,100);
y = zeros(N,length(t));
u = zeros(N, length(t));
% open loop
y(1,:) = yTildes(1) * (1 - exp(-bOverMHat * t));
u(1,:) = uBar * ones(size(t));
% closed loop
for i = 2 : N;
y(i,:) = yTildes(i) * (1 - exp(-bb * t));
u(i,:) = ks(i) * (yBar - yTildes(i) * (1 - exp(-bb * t)));
then plot the responses:
% Fig. 2.8
plot(t, y, [0 T], yBar*[1 1], 'k--');
xlabel('t (s)')
ylabel('y(t) (mph)')
leg = [char(ones(N, 1) * double('K = ')) num2str(ks','%3.2f') char(ones(N, 1) * double(' '))];
leg(1,:) = 'open-loop';
legend(leg, 'Location', 'SouthEast')
ylim([0 1.1*yBar])
grid on
and the inputs:
% Fig. 2.9:
uMax = 3;
plot(t, u, [0 T], uMax*[1 1], 'k--');
xlabel('t (s)')
ylabel('u(t) (in)')
legend(leg, 'Location', 'NorthEast')
ylim([0 5])
grid on
2.6 Nonlinear Models
First estimate the relavant quantities for the nonlinear model:
% model fitting
alpha = 82.8
beta = 1.2
cOverMHat = alpha * bOverMHat;
cOverMHat = round(cOverMHat,1) % round
dOverMHat = beta * cOverMHat;
dOverMHat = round(dOverMHat,1) % round
dOverCHat = dOverMHat / cOverMHat;
dOverCHat = round(dOverCHat,1) % round
Calculate the complete response and associated control inputs using MATLAB's ode45 to simulate the nonlinear model:
ynl = {};
unl = {};
t = linspace(0,T,100);
The open-loop nonlinear model is:
which you simulate as follows:
uBar = tan(yBar/alpha)/beta; % open-loop control
f = @(t,y) dOverMHat*uBar - cOverMHat*tan(y/alpha); % @ creates function on the fly
sol = ode45(f, [0 T], 0); % solve ode
ynl{1} = deval(sol, t); % evaluate solution
unl{1} = uBar * ones(size(t)); % u(t) = uBar
The closed-loop nonlinear model is:
which you simulate as follows:
for i = 2 : N
f = @(t,y) dOverMHat*min([uMax,ks(i)*(yBar-y)])-cOverMHat*tan(y/alpha);
sol = ode45(f, [0 T], 0); % solve ode
ynl{i} = deval(sol, t); % evaluate solution
unl{i} = ks(i) * (yBar - ynl{i}); % calculate u(t)
unl{i}(unl{i} > 3) = 3; % saturate u(t)
Plot the responses:
% Fig. 2.10
plot(t, ynl{1}, ...
t, ynl{2}, ...
t, ynl{3}, ...
t, ynl{4}, ...
[0 T], yBar*[1 1], 'k--');
xlabel('t (s)')
ylabel('y(t) (mph)')
ylim([0 1.1*yBar]);
and the inputs:
% Fig. 2.11
plot(t, unl{1}, ...
t, unl{2}, ...
t, unl{3}, ...
t, unl{4}, ...
[0 T], uMax*[1 1], 'k--');
xlabel('t (s)')
ylabel('u(t) (in)')
ylim([0 3.4]);
2.7 Disturbance Rejection
Calculate the response of the linear car model to a change in slope (disturbance) from 0% to 10% slope:
% Closed- and open-loop disturbance response
G = 9.8 * 3600 / 1609; % unit conversion yuck!
yBar = 60;
thetaBar = atan(.1) % 10% slope
wBar = -G/pOverMHat * sin(thetaBar)
T0 = 10;
T = 50;
t = linspace(0,T,200);
tt = [-T0 0 t];
yy = zeros(N, length(tt));
% open loop
lambda = -bOverMHat;
G0 = pOverMHat/bOverMHat;
yy(1,:) = [yBar; yBar; yBar + (1-exp(lambda*t'))*G0*wBar];
% closed loop
for i = 2 : N;
Kp = ks(i);
H0 = Kp*pOverMHat/(bOverMHat+Kp*pOverMHat);
D0 = pOverMHat/(bOverMHat+Kp*pOverMHat);
lambda = -bOverMHat-pOverMHat*Kp;
yy(i,:) = [H0*yBar; H0*yBar; H0*yBar+(1-exp(lambda*t'))*D0*wBar];
then plot the responses:
% Fig. 2.14:
plot(tt, yy, [-T0 T], yBar*[1 1], 'k--', [0 0], 2*yBar*[0 1], 'k--')
xlabel('t (s)')
ylabel('y(t) (mph)')
ylim([15 yBar+5])
grid on