Fundamentals of Linear Control

Mauricio de Oliveira

Supplemental material for Chapter 4

Before You Start

In this script you will perform calculations with transfer-functions. In addition to the commands already used, the following MATLAB commands will be used:

You will also use the following auxiliary commands:

4.1 Tracking, Sensitivity and Integral Control

The command tf creates a transfer-function object that MATLAB can work with. The arguments of tf are the transfer-function's numerator and denominator polynomials. For example:

% Linearized car model

pOverBHat = 73.3;

bOverMHat = 0.05;

pOverMHat = pOverBHat * bOverMHat;

% open loop

g = tf(pOverMHat, [1 bOverMHat])

g =

  s + 0.05

Continuous-time transfer function.

construct a transfer-function object g that represents the linearized car model:

The arguments of tf are the numerator and denominator polynomial coefficients.

Likewise, the following tf represents the integral controller:

% integral controller

ki = tf(1, [1 0])

ki =


Continuous-time transfer function.

One can calculate various properties of transfer-functions, such as the poles:


ans = -0.0500

and zeros:


ans =

  0×1 empty double column vector

tf objects can be operated as you would symbolically. For example:

g * ki

ans =

  s^2 + 0.05 s

Continuous-time transfer function.

calculates the product of those two transfer-functions and

g + ki

ans =

  4.665 s + 0.05
   s^2 + 0.05 s

Continuous-time transfer function.

calculates their sum.

The unit feedback connection of the car model with the integral controller can be calculated using the command feedback:

K = 0.05

K = 0.0500

h = feedback(K*g*ki, 1)

h =

  s^2 + 0.05 s + 0.1833

Continuous-time transfer function.

The second argument, in this case the number 1, represents the unit feedback. feedback returns another tf object.

The command step, when called without output arguments, calculates the step response and produces a plot as in:


Check out the similar commands impulse and lsim. Similarly, bode will produce a representation of the frequency response (more about this on Chapter 7):


If output arugments are given to step and bode then the points necessary for reproducing these plots are returns. You will use this syntax below.

For a given gain

K = 0.05

K = 0.0500

you can calculate the closed-loop reponse of the linear car model under integral control to a constant target velocity of mph as follows:

h = feedback(K*g*ki, 1)

h =

  s^2 + 0.05 s + 0.1833

Continuous-time transfer function.

yBar = 60

yBar = 60

step(yBar * h)

Now calculate the closed-loop response of the linear car model under integral control to a constant target velocity of mph to various values of :

% step response

T = 60;

N = 4;

ks = [0.001 0.002 0.005 0.05];

taus = zeros(N,1);

yTildes = zeros(N,1);

Hs = zeros(N,1);

t = linspace(0,T,100);

y = zeros(N,length(t));

% closed loop

for i = 1 : N;

K = ks(i);

% linear model

h = feedback(K*g*ki, 1);

y(i,:) = step(yBar * h, t);


Now plot the responses:

% Fig. 4.4: Step response with integral control

leg = [char(ones(N, 1) * double('$K = ')) num2str(ks','%4.3f') char(ones(N, 1) * double('$~'))];

plot(t, y, [0 T], yBar*[1 1], 'k--');

xlabel('t (s)')

ylabel('y(t) (mph)')

h = legend(leg, 'Location', 'SouthEast');

set(h, 'Interpreter', 'latex')

grid on

4.2 Stability and Transient Response

Construct the proportional-integral controller:

% PI controller

kpi = tf([1 bOverMHat], [1 0])

kpi =

  s + 0.05

Continuous-time transfer function.

with the zero chosen to perform a pole zero cancellation. Indeed, calculating the closed-loop transfer-function and converting to MATLAB's zpk object reveals the pole-zero cancellation:

h = feedback(kpi*g, 1)

h =

     3.665 s + 0.1833
  s^2 + 3.715 s + 0.1833

Continuous-time transfer function.


ans =

    3.665 (s+0.05)
  (s+3.665) (s+0.05)

Continuous-time zero/pole/gain model.

MATLAB's minreal performs the cancellation:


ans =

  s + 3.665

Continuous-time transfer function.

Calculate the closed-loop response figures of the linear car model under proportional-integral control to a constant target velocity of mph:

% Tab. 4.1:

N = 4;

yBars = [90 60 30 6];

ks = [0.03 0.05 0.1 0.5];

taus = 1./(pOverMHat * ks);

trs = 2.2 * taus;

kis = bOverMHat * ks;

colNames = {'yBar', 'Kp', 'Ki', 'tau', 'tr'};

tab4_1 = table(yBars', ks', kis', taus', trs','VariableNames', colNames);

tab4_1 = tab4_1(end:-1:1,:)

tab4_1 =
    yBar     Kp       Ki       tau        tr  
    ____    ____    ______    ______    ______

     6       0.5     0.025    0.5457    1.2005
    30       0.1     0.005    2.7285    6.0027
    60      0.05    0.0025     5.457    12.005
    90      0.03    0.0015     9.095    20.009

Calculate the complete response and associated control inputs:

T = 15;

% step response

t = linspace(0,T,100);

y = zeros(N,length(t));

u = zeros(N, length(t));

for i = 1 : N;

Kp = ks(i);

Ki = Kp * bOverMHat;

% linear model

h = feedback(Kp*g*kpi, 1);

y(i,:) = step(yBar * h, t);


and plot the reponses:

% Fig. 4.6: Step response with proportional-integral control

leg = [char(ones(N, 1) * double('$K_p =')) num2str(ks','%3.2f') char(ones(N, 1) * double('$~'))];

plot(t, y, [0 T], yBar*[1 1], 'k--');

xlabel('t (s)')

ylabel('y(t) (mph)')

ylim([0 1.1*yBar])

h = legend(leg, 'Location', 'SouthEast');

set(h, 'interpreter', 'latex')

grid on

Calculate the closed-loop transfer-functions:

for proportional, integral and proportional-integral control:

% Proportional

Kp = 0.05

Kp = 0.0500

Sp = feedback(1, Kp*g);

Hp = feedback(Kp*g, 1);

Dp = feedback(g, Kp);

% Integral

Ki = 0.002

Ki = 0.0020

Si = feedback(1, Ki*g*ki);

Hi = feedback(Ki*g*ki, 1);

Di = feedback(g, Ki*ki);

% Proportional-integral

Kp = 0.05

Kp = 0.0500

Ki = Kp * bOverMHat

Ki = 0.0025

Spi = feedback(1, Kp*g*kpi);

Hpi = feedback(Kp*g*kpi, 1);

Dpi = feedback(g, Kp*kpi);

and plot the corresponding frequency responses using MATLAB's bode:

% Fig. 4.7: Sensitivity with P, O and PI controllers

w0 = 2e-3;

w1 = 2e0;

w = logspace(log10(w0), log10(w1), 200);

N = 3;

mag = zeros(N, length(w));

phs = zeros(N, length(w));

i = 1;

[mag(i,:), phs(i,:)] = bode(Sp, w);

i = i + 1;

[mag(i,:), phs(i,:)] = bode(Si, w);

i = i + 1;

[mag(i,:), phs(i,:)] = bode(Spi, w);

leg = {'P', 'I','PI'};

semilogx(w, mag);

xlabel('\omega (rad/s)')


legend(leg, 'Location', 'NorthWest')

xlim([w0 w1])

ylim([0 2.2])


As with step, bode produces a plot when called without output arguments:


Note that the previous plot is a log-linear plot while bode is a log-log plot. Chapter 7 has much more on frequency response methods and Bode plots.

4.3 Integrator Wind-up

In order to assess the effects of integrator wind-up reconstruct the parameters of nonlinear model from Section 2.6:

% Nonlinear car model

pOverBHat = 73.3;

bOverMHat = 0.05;

pOverMHat = pOverBHat * bOverMHat;

alpha = 82.8;

beta = 1.2;

cOverMHat = alpha * bOverMHat;

dOverMHat = beta * cOverMHat;

dOverCHat = dOverMHat / cOverMHat;

and calculate the closed-loop step responses under proportional-integral control using ode45:

% Closed-loop step responses (nonlinear model)

% .

% v = -(c/m)atan(v/alpha) + (d/m) sat(u)

% .

% ei = e % integrator

% e = (ybar - v)

% u = Kp e + Ki ei

% .

% x = [-(c/m)atan(x(1)/alpha) + (d/m) sat(Kp (ybar - x(1)) + Ki x(2))]

% [ ybar - x(1) ]

xnl = {};

ynl = {};

einl = {};

unl = {};

ks = [0.03 0.05 0.1 0.5];

N = length(ks);

uMax = 3;

T = 15;

t = linspace(0, T, 200);

for i = 1 : N

% nl closed-loop step-response

Kp = ks(i);

Ki = bOverMHat*Kp;

f = @(t,x) [dOverMHat*min([uMax,Kp*(yBar-x(1))+Ki*x(2)])- ...

cOverMHat*tan(x(1)/alpha); yBar-x(1)];

sol = ode45(f, [0 T], [0; 0]);

xnl{i} = deval(sol, t);

ynl{i} = xnl{i}(1,:);

xcnl{i} = Ki*xnl{i}(2,:); % integrator state

enl{i} = yBar-ynl{i};

unl{i} = Kp*(yBar-ynl{i})+Ki*xcnl{i};

unl{i}(unl{i} > 3) = 3;

i = i + 1;


Now plot the control inputs:

% Fig. 4.8:

leg = [char(ones(N, 1) * double('$K_p = ')) num2str(ks','%3.2f') char(ones(N, 1) * double('$~'))];

plot(t, unl{1}, ...

t, unl{2}, ...

t, unl{3}, ...

t, unl{4}, ...

[0 T], uMax*[1 1], 'k--');

xlabel('t (s)')

ylabel('u(t) (in)')

ylim([-2.5 3.4]);

h = legend(leg,'Location','NorthEast');

set(h, 'interpreter', 'latex')

grid on

and the responses:

% Fig. 4.9

plot(t, ynl{1}, ...

t, ynl{2}, ...

t, ynl{3}, ...

t, ynl{4}, ...

[0 T], yBar*[1 1], 'k--');

xlabel('t (s)')

ylabel('y(t) (mph)')

h = legend(leg,'Location','SouthEast');

set(h, 'interpreter', 'latex')

ylim([0 1.1*yBar]);

grid on

Simulate for a little longer:

T = 80;

t = linspace(0, T, 200);

for i = 1 : N

% nl closed-loop step-response

Kp = ks(i);

Ki = bOverMHat*Kp;

f = @(t,x) [dOverMHat*min([uMax,Kp*(yBar-x(1))+Ki*x(2)])- ...

cOverMHat*tan(x(1)/alpha); yBar-x(1)];

sol = ode45(f, [0 T], [0; 0]);

xnl{i} = deval(sol, t);

ynl{i} = xnl{i}(1,:);

xcnl{i} = Ki*xnl{i}(2,:); % integrator state

enl{i} = yBar-ynl{i};

unl{i} = Kp*(yBar-ynl{i})+Ki*xcnl{i};

unl{i}(unl{i} > 3) = 3;

i = i + 1;


and plot the integral component of the control:

% Fig. 4.10

plot(t, xcnl{1}, ...

t, xcnl{2}, ...

t, xcnl{3}, ...

t, xcnl{4});

xlabel('t (s)')

ylabel('K_i x_c(t) (in)')

h = legend(leg,'Location','NorthEast');

set(h, 'interpreter', 'latex')

grid on

4.5 Input Disturbance Rejection

Calculate the response of the linear car model under integral control to a change in slope (disturbance) from 0% to 10% slope:

G = 9.8 * 3600 / 1609;

thetaBar = atan(.1) % 10% slope

thetaBar = 0.0997

wBar = G/pOverMHat * sin(thetaBar)

wBar = 0.5953

ks = [0.001 0.002 0.005 0.05];

T0 = 10;

T = 200;

t = linspace(0,T - T0,200);

y = zeros(N,length(t));

for i = 1 : N;

Kp = ks(i);

% linear model

d = feedback(g, Kp*ki);

y(i,:) = step(-wBar * d, t);


y = [yBar*ones(N,2) yBar+y];

and plot the responses:

% Fig 4.12: Response to disturbance with integral control

leg = [char(ones(N, 1) * double('$K = ')) num2str(ks','%4.3f') char(ones(N, 1) * double('$~'))];

plot([0, T0, t+T0], y, [0 T], yBar*[1 1], 'k--');

xlabel('t (s)')

ylabel('y(t) (mph)')

ylim([35 70])

h = legend(leg, 'Location', 'SouthEast');

set(h, 'Interpreter', 'latex')

grid on

Repeat with proportional-integral control:

ks = [0.03 0.05 0.1 0.5];

y = zeros(N,length(t));

for i = 1 : N;

Kp = ks(i);

Ki = Kp * bOverMHat;

% linear model

d = feedback(g, Kp*kpi);

y(i,:) = step(-wBar * d, t);


y = [yBar*ones(N,2) yBar+y];

and plot the responses:

% Fig 4.13: Response to disturbance with proportional-integral control

leg = [char(ones(N, 1) * double('$K_p = ')) num2str(ks','%3.2f') char(ones(N, 1) * double('$~'))];

plot([0, T0, t+T0], y, [0 T], yBar*[1 1], 'k--');

xlabel('t (s)')

ylabel('y(t) (mph)')

ylim([35 70])

h = legend(leg, 'Location', 'SouthEast');

set(h, 'interpreter', 'latex')

grid on

Plot the frequency response of the closed-loop transfer-function D(s) previously calculated:

% Fig. 4.14: P, I and PI controllers

leg = {'P','I','PI','open-loop'};

N = 4;

mag = zeros(N, length(w));

phs = zeros(N, length(w));

i = 1;

[mag(i,:), phs(i,:)] = bode(Dp, w);

i = i + 1;

[mag(i,:), phs(i,:)] = bode(Di, w);

i = i + 1;

[mag(i,:), phs(i,:)] = bode(Dpi, w);

i = 4;

[mag(i,:), phs(i,:)] = bode(g, w);

semilogx(w, mag);

xlabel('\omega (rad/s)')


legend(leg, 'Location', 'NorthEast')

xlim([w0 w1])


4.6 Measurement Noise

Plot the frequency response of the complementary sensitivity closed-loop transfer-function H(s) previously calculated:

% Fig. 4.16: Complementary sensitivity for P, O and PI controllers

N = 3;

mag = zeros(N, length(w));

phs = zeros(N, length(w));

leg = {'P', 'I','PI'};

i = 1;

[mag(i,:), phs(i,:)] = bode(Hp, w);

i = i + 1;

[mag(i,:), phs(i,:)] = bode(Hi, w);

i = i + 1;

[mag(i,:), phs(i,:)] = bode(Hpi, w);

semilogx(w, mag);

xlabel('\omega (rad/s)')


legend(leg, 'Location', 'NorthWest')

xlim([w0 w1])

ylim([0 2])


4.7 Pole-Zero Cancellations and Stability

Calculate the closed-loop response of the linear car model under proportional-integral control to a constant target velocity of mph when the zero of the controller and the pole of the system do not perfectly match:

T = 20;

mmatch = [1 2 1.1 0.5];

M = length(mmatch);

t = linspace(0,T,100);

y = zeros(M,length(t));

leg = [char(ones(M, 1) * double('$\gamma = ')) num2str(round(100*mmatch)', '%3d') char(ones(M, 1) * double('\%$~'))];

i = 3;

for l = 1 : M;

Kp = ks(i);

Ki = mmatch(l) * Kp * bOverMHat;

k = tf([1 Ki/Kp], [1 0]);

% linear model

h = feedback(Kp*g*k, 1);

y(l,:) = step(yBar * h, t);


and plot the responses:

% Fig. 4.19: Step response with gain mismatch

plot(t, y, [0 T], yBar*[1 1], 'k--');

xlabel('t (s)')

ylabel('y(t) (mph)')

ylim([0 1.1*yBar])

h = legend(leg, 'Location', 'SouthEast');

set(h, 'Interpreter', 'latex')

grid on