Fundamentals of Linear Control

Mauricio de Oliveira

Supplemental material for Chapter 6

Before You Start

In this script you will perform calculations with transfer-functions. In addition to the commands already used, the following MATLAB commands will be used:

6.4 Root-Locus

Construct a transfer-function object with MATLAB's tf to represent the linearized car model:

% Linearized car model

pOverBHat = 73.3;

bOverMHat = 0.05;

pOverMHat = pOverBHat * bOverMHat;

G = tf(pOverMHat, [1 bOverMHat])

G =

  s + 0.05

Continuous-time transfer function.

calculate the loop transfer-function

L = G

L =

  s + 0.05

Continuous-time transfer function.

to design a proportional controller using MATLAB's rlocus:

rl = rlocus(L);

When rlocus is called without output arguments it produces a plot as in:


Calculate the closed-loop poles for various values of gain:

N = 4;

ks = [0 0.02 0.05 0.5];

mrkrs = {'x', 'd', 's', '^'};

p = {};

i = 1;

p{i} = pole(L);

for i = 2 : N;

p{i} = pole(feedback(ks(i)*L,1));


Plot the combined root-locus with the select closed-loop poles:

% Fig. 6.10: Root-locus for proportional control


for i = 1 : N

plot(real(p{i}), imag(p{i}), mrkrs{i}), hold on


xlim([-2, .1])

ylim([-.1, .5])

plot(real(rl'), imag(rl'), ...

xlim, [0 0], 'k--', ...

[0 0], ylim, 'k--')

hold off

leg = [char(ones(N, 1) * double('$\alpha = ')) num2str(ks', '%4.3f') char(ones(N, 1) * double('$~~'))];

leg(1,1:9) = 'open-loop';

leg(1,10:end) = ' ';

legfnt = 13;

h = legend(leg,'Location','NorthWest');

set(h, 'interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', legfnt);



Calculate the loop transfer-function to design an integral controller:

K = tf(1, [1 0]);

L = K*G;

and evaluate the root-locus and select closed-loop poles:

N = 4;

ks = [0 0.002 0.005 0.05];

rl = rlocus(L);

p = {};

i = 1;

p{i} = pole(L);

for i = 2 : N;

p{i} = pole(feedback(ks(i)*L,1));


Plot the combined root-locus with the select closed-loop poles:

% Fig. 6.12: Root-locus for integral control


for i = 1 : N

plot(real(p{i}), imag(p{i}), mrkrs{i}), hold on


xlim([-.07, .02])

ylim(.5*[-1, 1])

plot(real(rl'), imag(rl'), ...

xlim, [0 0], 'k--', ...

[0 0], ylim, 'k--')

hold off

leg = [char(ones(N, 1) * double('$\alpha = ')) num2str(ks', '%4.3f') char(ones(N, 1) * double('$~~'))];

leg(1,1:9) = 'open-loop';

leg(1,10:end) = ' ';

h = legend(leg,'Location','NorthWest');

set(h, 'interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', legfnt);



Calculate the loop transfer-function and evaluate a PI controller with inexact pole-zero cancellation. The value of represents the mismatch. = 1 is a exact match.

% Root locus PI control with inexact pole zero cancelation

gamma = [2 1.1 1 0.5];

M = length(gamma);

rl = {};

pz = {};;

alpha = 0.1;

for i = 1 : M

Kp = 0.1;

Ki = gamma(i) * Kp * bOverMHat;

K = tf([1 Ki/Kp], [1 0]);

L = K*G;

rl{i} = rlocus(L);

pz{i,1} = pole(L);

pz{i,2} = zero(L);

pz{i,3} = pole(feedback(alpha*L,1));


Plot the results root-loci for each value of mismatch:

% Fig. 6.14:


for i = 1 : M


xlim(2.5*[-.16, .02])

ylim(.1*[-1, 1])

plot(real(pz{i,3}), imag(pz{i,3}), 'd', ...

real(pz{i,1}), imag(pz{i,1}), 'x', ...

real(pz{i,2}), imag(pz{i,2}), 'o', ...

real(rl{i}'), imag(rl{i}'), ...

xlim, [0 0], 'k--', ...

[0 0], ylim, 'k--')

title(['\gamma = ' num2str(gamma(i)*100) '%'])

xlim([-.4, .05])

ylim([-.1, .1])

if (i == M)


leg = ['$\alpha = ' num2str(alpha, '%3.2f') '$~~'];

hleg = legend(leg, 'Location', 'SouthWest');

set(hleg, 'interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', legfnt, ...

'Position', [0.09 0.03 0.13 0.00])




6.5 Control of the Simple Pendulum - Part I

Set up pendulum parameter:

m = 0.5

m = 0.5000

l = 0.3

l = 0.3000

r = l/2

r = 0.1500

b = 0

b = 0

g = 9.8

g = 9.8000

J = m*l^2/12

J = 0.0038

Jr = (J+m*r^2)

Jr = 0.0150

and calculate the model linearized around the stable equilibrium:

G0 = tf(1/Jr, [1, b/Jr, m*r*g/Jr])

G0 =

  s^2 + 49

Continuous-time transfer function.

and evaluate the natural frequency and damping-ratio:

den0 = G0.den{1};

wn0 = sqrt(den0(3)/den0(1))

wn0 = 7

zeta0 = den0(2)/(2*wn0*den0(1))

zeta0 = 0

A convinient way to do that is using MATLAB's damp command:


         Pole              Damping       Frequency      Time Constant  
                                       (rad/seconds)      (seconds)    
  0.00e+00 + 7.00e+00i     0.00e+00       7.00e+00           Inf      
  0.00e+00 - 7.00e+00i     0.00e+00       7.00e+00           Inf      

Repeat for the model linearized around the stable equilibrium:

Gpi = tf(1/Jr, [1, b/Jr, -m*r*g/Jr])

Gpi =

  s^2 - 49

Continuous-time transfer function.

Evaluate the natural frequency and damping-ratio:

denpi = Gpi.den{1};

wnpi = sqrt(-denpi(3)/denpi(1))

wnpi = 7

zetapi = denpi(2)/(2*wnpi*denpi(1))

zetapi = 0

or using damp:


   Pole        Damping       Frequency      Time Constant  
                           (rad/seconds)      (seconds)    
-7.00e+00     1.00e+00       7.00e+00         1.43e-01    
  7.00e+00    -1.00e+00       7.00e+00        -1.43e-01    

Design a PD controller as in Section 6.2 to set the closed-loop under unit feedback:

Kp = 3*m*r*g

Kp = 2.2050

Kd = 2*sqrt(m*r*g*Jr)-b

Kd = 0.2100

z = Kp/Kd

z = 10.5000

ctrPD = Kp + Kd * tf([1 0],1)

ctrPD =

  0.21 s + 2.205

Continuous-time transfer function.


ans =

  0.21 (s+10.5)

Continuous-time zero/pole/gain model.

and evaluate the closed-loop performance around the unstable equilibrium point:

H = feedback(ctrPD*Gpi,1)

H =

    14 s + 147
  s^2 + 14 s + 98

Continuous-time transfer function.


         Pole              Damping       Frequency      Time Constant  
                                       (rad/seconds)      (seconds)    
-7.00e+00 + 7.00e+00i     7.07e-01       9.90e+00         1.43e-01    
-7.00e+00 - 7.00e+00i     7.07e-01       9.90e+00         1.43e-01    

Use damp to return the damping ratio and natural frequency:

[wn,zeta] = damp(H)

wn =
9.8995 9.8995
zeta =
0.7071 0.7071

wn = wn(1)

wn = 9.8995

zeta = zeta(1)

zeta = 0.7071

Build a loop transfer-function:

L = ctrPD*Gpi;

to visualize the design around the unstable equilibrium point on a root-locus diagram:

% Fig. 6.15


t = 0 : 0.1 : 2*pi;

circ = wn*cos(t) + j*wn*sin(t);

pz = {};

pz{1} = pole(L);

pz{2} = zero(L);

H = feedback(L,1);

[wncl,zetacl,pz{3}] = damp(H);

rl = rlocus(L);

xl = [-18,8];

yl = [-11,11];

plot(real(pz{3}), imag(pz{3}), 'd', ...

real(pz{2}), imag(pz{2}), 'o', ...

real(pz{1}), imag(pz{1}), 'x', ...

real(rl'), imag(rl'), ...

real(circ), imag(circ), 'k:', ...

[0 yl(1)], [0 yl(2)/tan(asin(zetacl(1)))], 'k:', ...

xl, [0 0], 'k--', ...

[0 0], yl, 'k--')





set(gca, 'PlotBoxAspectRatio', [1 diff(yl)/diff(xl) 1]);

The diamond shows the location of the selected closed-loop poles.

Evaluate the closed-loop performance around the stable equilibrium point as well:

H = feedback(ctrPD*G0,1)

H =

     14 s + 147
  s^2 + 14 s + 196

Continuous-time transfer function.


         Pole              Damping       Frequency      Time Constant  
                                       (rad/seconds)      (seconds)    
-7.00e+00 + 1.21e+01i     5.00e-01       1.40e+01         1.43e-01    
-7.00e+00 - 1.21e+01i     5.00e-01       1.40e+01         1.43e-01    

Attempt to incorporate integral action to the above proportional-derivative controller by adding a pole at zero:

ctrPDI = ctrPD * tf(1,[1 0])

ctrPDI =

  0.21 s + 2.205

Continuous-time transfer function.


ans =

  0.21 (s+10.5)

Continuous-time zero/pole/gain model.

modify the loop transfer-function as in:

L = ctrPDI*Gpi;

and plot the root-locus:

% Fig. 6.16


pz = {};

pz{1} = pole(L);

pz{2} = zero(L);

rl = rlocus(L);

xl = [-12,8];

yl = [-30,30];

a = (sum(pz{1}) - sum(pz{2}))/(3-1); % center of asymptotes

plot(real(pz{2}), imag(pz{2}), 'o', ...

real(pz{1}), imag(pz{1}), 'x', ...

real(rl'), imag(rl'), ...

a*[1 1], yl, 'k-.', ...

xl, [0 0], 'k--', ...

[0 0], yl, 'k--')





set(gca, 'PlotBoxAspectRatio', [1 diff(xl)/diff(yl) 1]);

that reveals that no positive stabilizing gain is possible.

Attempt to make the PD controller proper by adding a pole far away to the left of the complex plane, in this case 8 times bigger than the value of the zero:

pd = 8*zero(ctrPD)

pd = -84

ctrPDP8 = 0.9*ctrPD*tf(-pd,[1 -pd])

ctrPDP8 =

  15.88 s + 166.7
      s + 84

Continuous-time transfer function.


ans =

  15.876 (s+10.5)

Continuous-time zero/pole/gain model.

The gain 0.9 places two poles at under unit feedback.

Modify the loop transfer-function:

L = ctrPDP8*Gpi

L =

      1058 s + 1.111e04
  s^3 + 84 s^2 - 49 s - 4116

Continuous-time transfer function.

evaluate the closed-loop performance around the unstable equilibrium point:

H = feedback(L,1)

H =

       1058 s + 1.111e04
  s^3 + 84 s^2 + 1009 s + 6997

Continuous-time transfer function.


         Pole              Damping       Frequency      Time Constant  
                                       (rad/seconds)      (seconds)    
-6.40e+00 + 7.57e+00i     6.45e-01       9.91e+00         1.56e-01    
-6.40e+00 - 7.57e+00i     6.45e-01       9.91e+00         1.56e-01    
-7.12e+01                 1.00e+00       7.12e+01         1.40e-02    

and plot the root-locus:

% Fig. 6.17 (a): Place pole 8 times farther than zero


pz = {};

pz{1} = pole(L);

pz{2} = zero(L);

[wncl,zetacl,pz{3}] = damp(H);

rl = rlocus(L);

a = (sum(pz{1}) - sum(pz{2}))/(3-1); % center of asymptotes

t = 0 : 0.1 : 2*pi;

circ = wn*cos(t) + j*wn*sin(t);

xl = [-70,10];

yl = [-13,13];

plot(real(pz{3}), imag(pz{3}), 'd', ...

real(pz{2}), imag(pz{2}), 'o', ...

real(pz{1}), imag(pz{1}), 'x', ...

real(rl'), imag(rl'), ...

a*[1 1], yl, 'k-.', ...

real(circ), imag(circ), 'k:', ...

[0 yl(1)], [0 yl(2)/tan(asin(zetacl(1)))], 'k:', ...

xl, [0 0], 'k--', ...

[0 0], yl, 'k--')





set(gca, 'PlotBoxAspectRatio', [1 diff(yl)/diff(xl) 1]);

Repeat the above design this time with the pole only two times greater than the zero:

pd = 2*zero(ctrPD)

pd = -21

ctrPDP2 = 0.8*ctrPD * tf(-pd,[1 -pd])

ctrPDP2 =

  3.528 s + 37.04
      s + 21

Continuous-time transfer function.


ans =

  3.528 (s+10.5)

Continuous-time zero/pole/gain model.

The gain 0.8 places two poles at under unit feedback.

Modify the loop transfer-function:

L = ctrPDP2*Gpi

L =

        235.2 s + 2470
  s^3 + 21 s^2 - 49 s - 1029

Continuous-time transfer function.

evaluate the closed-loop performance around the unstable equilibrium point:

H = feedback(L,1)

H =

         235.2 s + 2470
  s^3 + 21 s^2 + 186.2 s + 1441

Continuous-time transfer function.


         Pole              Damping       Frequency      Time Constant  
                                       (rad/seconds)      (seconds)    
-3.01e+00 + 9.33e+00i     3.07e-01       9.80e+00         3.33e-01    
-3.01e+00 - 9.33e+00i     3.07e-01       9.80e+00         3.33e-01    
-1.50e+01                 1.00e+00       1.50e+01         6.67e-02    

and plot the root-locus:

% Fig. 6.17 (b): Place pole 2 times farther than zero


pz = {};

pz{1} = pole(L);

pz{2} = zero(L);

[wncl,zetacl,pz{3}] = damp(H);

rl = rlocus(L);

a = (sum(pz{1}) - sum(pz{2}))/(3-1); % center of asymptotes

t = 0 : 0.1 : 2*pi;

circ = wn*cos(t) + j*wn*sin(t);

xl = [-25,10];

yl = [-11,11];

plot(real(pz{3}), imag(pz{3}), 'd', ...

real(pz{2}), imag(pz{2}), 'o', ...

real(pz{1}), imag(pz{1}), 'x', ...

real(rl'), imag(rl'), ...

a*[1 1], yl, 'k-.', ...

real(circ), imag(circ), 'k:', ...

[0 yl(1)], [0 yl(2)/tan(asin(zetacl(1)))], 'k:', ...

xl, [0 0], 'k--', ...

[0 0], yl, 'k--')





set(gca, 'PlotBoxAspectRatio', [1 diff(yl)/diff(xl) 1]);

Keep the pole two times greater than the zero but adjust the zero to improve damping:

pd = 2*zero(ctrPD)

pd = -21

ctrPDD = 0.9*Kp*tf([1.4*Kd/Kp 1],1)/1.45;

Clead = ctrPDD * tf(-pd,[1 -pd])

Clead =

  5.557 s + 41.67
  1.45 s + 30.45

Continuous-time transfer function.


ans =

  3.8321 (s+7.5)

Continuous-time zero/pole/gain model.

The gain places two poles at under unit feedback.

Modify the loop transfer-function:

L = Clead*Gpi

L =

             370.4 s + 2778
  1.45 s^3 + 30.45 s^2 - 71.05 s - 1492

Continuous-time transfer function.

evaluate the closed-loop performance around the unstable equilibrium point:

H = feedback(L,1)

H =

             370.4 s + 2778
  1.45 s^3 + 30.45 s^2 + 299.4 s + 1286

Continuous-time transfer function.


         Pole              Damping       Frequency      Time Constant  
                                       (rad/seconds)      (seconds)    
-9.01e+00                 1.00e+00       9.01e+00         1.11e-01    
-5.99e+00 + 7.91e+00i     6.04e-01       9.92e+00         1.67e-01    
-5.99e+00 - 7.91e+00i     6.04e-01       9.92e+00         1.67e-01    

and plot the root-locus:

% Fig 6.19: Place pole 2 times and adjust zero


pz = {};

pz{1} = pole(L);

pz{2} = zero(L);

H = feedback(Clead*Gpi,1);

[wncl,zetacl,pz{3}] = damp(H);

rl = rlocus(L);

a = (sum(pz{1}) - sum(pz{2}))/(3-1); % center of asymptotes

t = 0 : 0.1 : 2*pi;

circ = wn*cos(t) + j*wn*sin(t);

xl = [-25,10];

yl = [-11,11];

plot(real(pz{3}), imag(pz{3}), 'd', ...

real(pz{2}), imag(pz{2}), 'o', ...

real(pz{1}), imag(pz{1}), 'x', ...

real(rl'), imag(rl'), ...

a*[1 1], yl, 'k-.', ...

real(circ), imag(circ), 'k:', ...

[0 yl(1)], [0 yl(2)/tan(asin(zetacl(2)))], 'k:', ...

xl, [0 0], 'k--', ...

[0 0], yl, 'k--')





set(gca, 'PlotBoxAspectRatio', [1 diff(yl)/diff(xl) 1]);

Verify that the design also stabilizes the simple pendulum around the stable equilibrium by modifying the loop transfer-function:

L0 = Clead*G0;

evaluating the closed-loop performance around the stable equilibrium point:

H0 = feedback(L0,1)

H0 =

             370.4 s + 2778
  1.45 s^3 + 30.45 s^2 + 441.5 s + 4270

Continuous-time transfer function.


         Pole              Damping       Frequency      Time Constant  
                                       (rad/seconds)      (seconds)    
-1.42e+01                 1.00e+00       1.42e+01         7.05e-02    
-3.41e+00 + 1.40e+01i     2.37e-01       1.44e+01         2.93e-01    
-3.41e+00 - 1.40e+01i     2.37e-01       1.44e+01         2.93e-01    

and visualizing the root-locus simultaneously for both stable and unstable equilibria:

% Fig. 6.20: root locus for stable equilibrium


pz0 = {};

pz0{1} = pole(L0);

pz0{2} = zero(L0);

[wn0cl,zeta0cl,pz0{3}] = damp(H0);

rl0 = rlocus(L0);

a0 = (sum(pz{1}) - sum(pz{2}))/(3-1) % center of the asymptotes

a0 = -6.7500

xl = [-20,10];

yl = [-16,16];

plot(real(pz{3}), imag(pz{3}), 's', ...

real(pz{2}), imag(pz{2}), 'o', ...

real(pz{1}), imag(pz{1}), 'x', ...

real(pz0{3}), imag(pz0{3}), 'd', ...

real(pz0{2}), imag(pz0{2}), 'o', ...

real(pz0{1}), imag(pz0{1}), 'x', ...

real(rl'), imag(rl'), '--', ...

real(rl0'), imag(rl0'), '-', ...

a0*[1 1], yl, 'k-.', ...

real(circ), imag(circ), 'k:', ...

(wn0cl(2)/wn)*real(circ), (wn0cl(2)/wn)*imag(circ), 'k:', ...

[0 yl(1)], [0 yl(2)/tan(asin(zetacl(2)))], 'k:', ...

[0 yl(1)], [0 yl(2)/tan(asin(zeta0cl(2)))], 'k:', ...

xl, [0 0], 'k--', ...

[0 0], yl, 'k--')





set(gca, 'PlotBoxAspectRatio', [1 diff(yl)/diff(xl) 1]);

Evaluate and plot the frequency response of the controllers so far:

% Fig. 6.18: Frequency response of controllers


w = logspace(0,2.3,100);

[magPD,phasePD] = bode(ctrPD, w);

[magPDP8,phasePDP8] = bode(ctrPDP8, w);

[magPDP2,phasePDP2] = bode(ctrPDP2, w);

[maglead,phaselead] = bode(Clead, w);

[wlPD,maglPD,wpPD,phslPD] = basym(ctrPD);

[wlPDP8,maglPDP8,wpPDP8,phslPDP8] = basym(ctrPDP8);

[wlPDP2,maglPDP2,wpPDP2,phslPDP2] = basym(ctrPDP2);

[wllead,magllead,wplead,phsllead] = basym(Clead);

maglPD(2) = 20*log10(abs(freqresp(ctrPD,wlPD(2))));

maglPDP8(3) = 20*log10(abs(freqresp(ctrPDP8,wlPDP8(3))));

magllead(2) = 20*log10(abs(freqresp(Clead,wllead(2))));

magllead(3) = 20*log10(abs(freqresp(Clead,wllead(3))));

semilogx(w, 20*log10([magPD(:)'; magPDP8(:)'; magPDP2(:)'; maglead(:)']), ...

[wlPD(2) wlPD(2)], [0 maglPD(2)], 'k--', ...

[wlPDP8(3) wlPDP8(3)], [0 maglPDP8(3)], 'k--', ...

[wllead(2) wllead(2)], [0 magllead(2)], 'k--', ...

[wllead(3) wllead(3)], [0 magllead(3)], 'k--');

xlim(10.^[0 2.3]);

pbaspect([1 1/2 1]);

text(1.1*wlPD(2), 2.5, '$z$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',15,'HorizontalAlignment','left');

text(1.1*wlPDP8(3), 2.5, '$8 z$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',15,'HorizontalAlignment','left');

text(1.1*wllead(2), 2.5, '$\tilde{z}$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',15,'HorizontalAlignment','left');

text(1.1*wllead(3), 2.5, '$2 z$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',15,'HorizontalAlignment','left');

legfnt = 13;

h = legend('$(s + z)$', '$(s + z)/(s + 8 z)$~~~~', '$(s + z)/(s + 2 z)$~~~~', '$(s + \tilde{z})/(s + 2 z)$~~~~', 'Location', 'NorthWest');

set(h, 'interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', legfnt);

ylabel('Magnitude (dB)');

xlabel('\omega (rad/s)');

In order to add integral action, calculate the transfer-function from to in Fig. 6.21:

D = feedback(Gpi,Clead)

D =

             96.67 s + 2030
  1.45 s^3 + 30.45 s^2 + 299.4 s + 1286

Continuous-time transfer function.

and construct the loop transfer-function

ctrI = 1.197 * tf(1,[1 0])

ctrI =


Continuous-time transfer function.

L = ctrI * D

L =

               115.7 s + 2430
  1.45 s^4 + 30.45 s^3 + 299.4 s^2 + 1286 s

Continuous-time transfer function.

The gain will place the poles at the desired location, which has a double real pole, under unit feedback.

H = feedback(L,1)

H =

                   115.7 s + 2430
  1.45 s^4 + 30.45 s^3 + 299.4 s^2 + 1402 s + 2430

Continuous-time transfer function.


         Pole              Damping       Frequency      Time Constant  
                                       (rad/seconds)      (seconds)    
-4.73e+00 + 7.17e-02i     1.00e+00       4.73e+00         2.12e-01    
-4.73e+00 - 7.17e-02i     1.00e+00       4.73e+00         2.12e-01    
-5.77e+00 + 6.45e+00i     6.67e-01       8.66e+00         1.73e-01    
-5.77e+00 - 6.45e+00i     6.67e-01       8.66e+00         1.73e-01    

The alternative design discussed in Section 6.5 corresponds to

Halt = feedback(2.3392*L,1)

Halt =

                   270.7 s + 5684
  1.45 s^4 + 30.45 s^3 + 299.4 s^2 + 1557 s + 5684

Continuous-time transfer function.


         Pole              Damping       Frequency      Time Constant  
                                       (rad/seconds)      (seconds)    
-2.02e+00 + 5.99e+00i     3.19e-01       6.32e+00         4.96e-01    
-2.02e+00 - 5.99e+00i     3.19e-01       6.32e+00         4.96e-01    
-8.48e+00 + 5.11e+00i     8.57e-01       9.90e+00         1.18e-01    
-8.48e+00 - 5.11e+00i     8.57e-01       9.90e+00         1.18e-01    

which places two poles with under unity feedback displays much less damping, as seen in the root-locus diagram below:

% Fig: 6.22:


pz = {};

pz{1} = pole(L);

pz{2} = zero(L);

[wncl,zetacl,pz{3}] = damp(H);

[wnclalt,zetaclalt,pz{4}] = damp(Halt);

rl = rlocus(L);

a = (sum(pz{1}) - sum(pz{2}))/(3-1); % center of the asymptotes

t = 0 : 0.1 : 2*pi;

circ = wn*cos(t) + j*wn*sin(t);

xl = [-22,8];

yl = [-10,10];

plot(real(pz{3}), imag(pz{3}), 'd', ...

real(pz{4}), imag(pz{4}), 's', ...

real(pz{2}), imag(pz{2}), 'o', ...

real(pz{1}), imag(pz{1}), 'x', ...

real(rl'), imag(rl'), '-', ...

[a a+10], [0 10*tan(pi/3)], 'k-.', ...

[a a+10], [0 -10*tan(pi/3)], 'k-.', ...

real(circ), imag(circ), 'k:', ...

[0 yl(1)], [0 yl(2)/tan(asin(zetacl(3)))], 'k:', ...

xl, [0 0], 'k--', ...

[0 0], yl, 'k--')





set(gca, 'PlotBoxAspectRatio', [1 diff(yl)/diff(xl) 1]);

The complete controller has transfer-function:

C6 = ctrI + Clead

C6 =

  5.557 s^2 + 43.41 s + 36.45
      1.45 s^2 + 30.45 s

Continuous-time transfer function.


ans =

  3.8321 (s+6.856) (s+0.9568)
           s (s+21)

Continuous-time zero/pole/gain model.

With the loop transfer-function:

L = C6*Gpi

L =

          370.4 s^2 + 2894 s + 2430
  1.45 s^4 + 30.45 s^3 - 71.05 s^2 - 1492 s

Continuous-time transfer function.

the closed-loop figures are:

H = feedback(L,1)

H =

             370.4 s^2 + 2894 s + 2430
  1.45 s^4 + 30.45 s^3 + 299.4 s^2 + 1402 s + 2430

Continuous-time transfer function.


         Pole              Damping       Frequency      Time Constant  
                                       (rad/seconds)      (seconds)    
-4.73e+00 + 7.17e-02i     1.00e+00       4.73e+00         2.12e-01    
-4.73e+00 - 7.17e-02i     1.00e+00       4.73e+00         2.12e-01    
-5.77e+00 + 6.45e+00i     6.67e-01       8.66e+00         1.73e-01    
-5.77e+00 - 6.45e+00i     6.67e-01       8.66e+00         1.73e-01    

The alternative root-locus from Fig. 6.24 is plotted below:

% Fig: 6.23: Complete controller root-locus


pz = {};

pz{1} = pole(L);

pz{2} = zero(L);

[wncl,zetacl,pz{3}] = damp(H);

rl = rlocus(L);

a = (sum(pz{1}) - sum(pz{2}))/(length(pz{1})-length(pz{2})); % center of the asymptotes

t = 0 : 0.1 : 2*pi;

circ = wn*cos(t) + j*wn*sin(t);

xl = [-20,10];

yl = [-10,10];

plot(real(pz{3}), imag(pz{3}), 'd', ...

real(pz{2}), imag(pz{2}), 'o', ...

real(pz{1}), imag(pz{1}), 'x', ...

real(rl'), imag(rl'), '-', ...

a*[1 1], yl, 'k-.', ...

real(circ), imag(circ), 'k:', ...

[0 yl(1)], [0 yl(2)/tan(asin(zetacl(3)))], 'k:', ...

xl, [0 0], 'k--', ...

[0 0], yl, 'k--')





set(gca, 'PlotBoxAspectRatio', [1 diff(yl)/diff(xl) 1]);

Compare the frequency-response of the lead controller with the final controller that has integral action:

% Fig. 6.23:


w = logspace(-.8,2.3,100);

[maglead,phaselead] = bode(Clead, w);

[magC6,phaseC6] = bode(C6, w);

[wllead,magllead,wplead,phsllead] = basym(Clead);

[wlC6,maglC6,wpC6,phsC6] = basym(C6);


semilogx(w, 20*log10([magC6(:)'; maglead(:)']));

xlim(10.^[-.8 2.3]);

pbaspect([1 1/2 1]);

l = legend('$C_6$~', '$C_\mathrm{lead}$', 'Location','SouthEast');

set(l, 'interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', legfnt);

ylabel('Magnitude (dB)');

xlabel('\omega (rad/s)');