Fundamentals of Linear Control
Mauricio de Oliveira
Supplemental material for Chapter 8
Before You Start
In this script you will perform calculations with transfer-functions. In addition to the commands already used, the following MATLAB commands will be used:
- sim, to simulate a nonlinear model using simulink.
You will also use the following auxiliary commands:
- rectangle, to plot circles.
8.1 Closed-Loop Stability and Performance
Create tf objects to represent the pendulum linearized about the stable and the unstable equlibria:
% Pendulum parameters
m = 0.5
l = 0.3
r = l/2
b = 0
g = 9.8
J = m*l^2/12
Jr = (J+m*r^2)
% models linearized around equilibria
Gpi = tf(1/Jr, [1, b/Jr, -m*r*g/Jr])
G0 = tf(1/Jr, [1, b/Jr, m*r*g/Jr])
wn = 7;
Create tf objects to represent the controllers and
from Sections 6.5 and 7.8:
% C6 controller
C6 = zpk([-6.855, -0.9573], [0, -21], 3.8321)
% C7 controlller
z1 = 1;
z2 = 5;
pc = 11;
C7 = tf(conv([1 z1],[1 z2]),conv([1 0],[1 pc]));
K = 2/abs(freqresp(C7,wn));
C7 = zpk(K * C7)
Calculate the closed-loop sensitivity transfer-functions with controller :
S6 = feedback(1,Gpi*C6)
and with controller :
S7 = feedback(1,Gpi*C7)
Calculate the loop transfer-function with :
L6 = Gpi*C6
and with :
L7 = Gpi*C7
Plot the combined frequency response:
xl = [-1, 2];
yl1 = [-30, 20];
yl2 = [0, 270];
[magS7,phsS7,w] = bode(S7, {10^xl(1), 10^xl(2)});
[magS6,phsS6] = bode(S6, w);
[magL6,phsL6] = bode(L6, w);
[magL7,phsL7] = bode(L7, w);
% Fix phases
phsL6 = phsL6 + 360;
phsL7 = phsL7 + 360;
xl = [-1 2];
yl1 = [-30 20];
yl2 = [0 270];
% Fig. 8.2 (a):
hline = semilogx(w, 20*log10([magS6(:)'; magS7(:)'; magL6(:)'; magL7(:)']));
grid on
set(gca, 'YTick', [-30 -20 -10 0 10 20]);
l = legend('$S_6$', '$S_7$', '$L_6$', '$L_7$', 'Location', 'NorthWest');
set(l, 'interpreter', 'latex');
ylabel('Magnitude (dB)');
xlabel('\omega (rad/s)');
% Fig. 8.2 (b):
hline = semilogx(w, ([phsS6(:)'; phsS7(:)'; phsL6(:)'; phsL7(:)']));
grid on
set(gca, 'YTick', [0 90 180 270 360]);
l = legend('$S_6$', '$S_7$', '$L_6$', '$L_7$', 'Location', 'SouthEast');
set(l, 'interpreter', 'latex');
ylabel('Phase (deg)');
xlabel('\omega (rad/s)');
8.4 Control of the Simple Pendulum - Part III
Create tf objects to represent the controller :
% C8 controller
z1 = 1;
z2 = 3;
pc = 10.5;
C8 = tf(conv([1 z1],[1 z2]),conv([1 0],[1 pc]))
K = 2/abs(freqresp(C8,wn));
C8 = zpk(K * C8)
Compare frequency response of the controllers:
% Bode plots
xl = [-1 2];
[magC6,phsC6,w] = bode(C6, {10^xl(1), 10^xl(2)});
[magC7,phsC7] = bode(C7, w);
[magC8,phsC8] = bode(C8, w);
% Fig. 8.8:
yl1 = [0 20];
hline = semilogx(w, 20*log10([magC6(:)'; magC7(:)'; magC8(:)']));
grid on
l = legend('$C_6$', '$C_7$', '$C_8$', ...
'Location', 'SouthWest');
set(l, 'interpreter', 'latex');
ylabel('Magnitude (dB)');
xlabel('\omega (rad/s)');
Calculate the loop transfer-function with :
L8 = Gpi*C8
Plot the combined frequency response:
[magL6,phsL6,w] = bode(L6, {10^xl(1), 10^xl(2)});
[magL7,phsL7] = bode(L7, w);
[magL8,phsL8] = bode(L8, w);
% Fix phases
phsL6 = phsL6 + 360;
phsL7 = phsL7 + 360;
phsL8 = phsL8 + 360;
% Fig. 8.9a:
yl2 = [-30 20];
hline = semilogx(w, 20*log10([magL6(:)'; magL7(:)'; magL8(:)']));
grid on
l = legend('$L_6$', '$L_7$', '$L_8$', ...
'Location', 'SouthWest');
set(l, 'interpreter', 'latex');
ylabel('Magnitude (dB)');
xlabel('\omega (rad/s)');
% Fig. 8.9b:
yl2 = [90 225];
hline = semilogx(w, ([phsL6(:)'; phsL7(:)'; phsL8(:)']));
grid on
set(gca, 'YTick', [0 90 180 270 360]);
l = legend('$L_6$', '$L_7$', '$L_8$', ...
'Location', 'NorthWest');
set(l, 'interpreter', 'latex');
ylabel('Phase (deg)');
xlabel('\omega (rad/s)');
Create auxiliary model for robust analysis:
a1 = b/Jr
a2 = m*g*r/Jr
b2 = 1/Jr
F = tf(1, [1 a1 0])
with controller :
G6 = -a2*feedback(F,b2*C6)
with controller :
G7 = -a2*feedback(F,b2*C7)
with controller :
G8 = -a2*feedback(F,b2*C8)
and evaluate the norm for each transfer-function:
which confirm that the small gain theorem can prove that the controllers and
can stabilize the nonlinear model of the simple pendulum, but not
Repeat the robustness study this time using the circle criterion by verifying if the Nyquist diagram of the transfer-functions ,
are in the circle
% Nyquist diagrams
eps0 = 0.02;
offset = 0.1;
[re,im] = nyquist(G6, {eps0,1e2});
b6 = re(:) + j*im(:);
[re,im] = nyquist(G7, {eps0,1e2});
b7 = re(:) + j*im(:);
eps0 = 0.1;
offset = 0.1;
[re,im] = nyquist(G8, {eps0,1e2});
b8 = re(:) + j*im(:);
% Unit circles C(-1,1)
t = 0 : 0.1 : 2*pi;
circ1 = cos(t) + j*sin(t);
% Circle C(-0.22,1)
alpha = -0.22;
beta = 1;
cc = -(1/alpha+1/beta)/2;
rr = abs(-1/alpha+1/beta)/2;
circ2 = cc + rr*(cos(t) + j*sin(t));
% Fig. 8.15:
xl = [-1.25 4.75];
yl = 1.2*[-1.25 1.25];
plot(real([b6; b6]), imag([b6; -b6]), ...
real([b7; b7]), imag([b7; -b7]), ...
real([b8; b8]), imag([b8; -b8]))
% The following commands plot the circles
% in spite of the name rectangle :)
h = rectangle('Position',[-1,-1,2,2], 'Curvature',[1,1], ...
'FaceColor', 0.1*[1 0 0] + .9*[1 1 1]);
uistack(h, 'bottom')
h = rectangle('Position',[-1,-rr,2*rr,2*rr], 'Curvature',[1,1], ...
'FaceColor', 0.1*[0 1 0] + .9*[1 1 1]);
uistack(h, 'bottom')
l = legend('$G_6$', '$G_7$', '$G_8$', 'Location', 'SouthEast');
set(l, 'interpreter', 'latex');
grid on
set(gca, 'layer', 'top')
pbaspect([1 diff(ylim)/diff(xlim) 1]);
Alternatively calculate the parameters (8.16):
aa = (alpha+beta)/2
bb = (beta-alpha)/2
and verify the algebraic condition (8.18):
which should all be less than one.
Be patient, this step may take a while!
Repeat this study varying the damping parameter :
% Damping study
bs = linspace(0, 0.5, 100);
Gs = zeros(3,length(bs));
i = 1;
for bb = bs
% model for uncertainty feedback
aa1 = bb/Jr;
FF = tf(1, [1 aa1 0]);
GG6 = -a2*feedback(FF,b2*C6);
GG7 = -a2*feedback(FF,b2*C7);
GG8 = -a2*feedback(FF,b2*C8);
Gs(:,i) = [norm(GG6,inf); norm(GG7,inf); norm(GG8,inf)];
i = i + 1;
xl = [bs(1) bs(end)];
yl = [.25 1.25];
% Fig. 8.11:
plot(bs, Gs, ...
xl, [1 1], 'k--');
grid on
set(gca, 'YTick', [.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25]);
set(gca, 'XTick', [0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5]);
l = legend('$G_6$', '$G_7$', '$G_8$', 'Location', 'NorthEast');
set(l, 'interpreter', 'latex');
Select a controller for simulation:
ctr = tf(C7) % make sure it is a tf object
and simulate using the simulink model
This model takes some variables from the workspace:
thetaBar = pi/2 - pi/4;
theta0 = pi/2;
num = ctr.num{1};
den = ctr.den{1};
You can interact with the simulation on the GUI interface or using the command line interface. The following will simulate the closed-loop system for 10 seconds:
T = 10
sim('SimplePendulumWithFeedback', T)
The following will recreate Fig. 8.12:
T1 = 4
thetaBar1 = pi/2 - pi/4;
theta0 = pi/2 + pi/4;
bs = [0 .1 .5];
N = length(bs);
y1 = cell(1,N);
t1 = cell(1,N);
i = 1;
for b = bs
thetaBar = thetaBar1;
[ti,x,yi] = sim('SimplePendulumWithFeedback', T1, simset('OutputVariables', 'ty', 'RelTol', 1e-5));
t1{i} = ti;
y1{i} = yi;
i = i + 1;
leg = [ones(N, 1) * '$b = ' num2str(bs','%2.1f') ones(N, 1) * '$'];
thetaBar2 = pi/2 + pi/4;
T2 = T1;
N = length(bs);
y2 = cell(1,N);
t2 = cell(1,N);
i = 1;
for b = bs
thetaBar = thetaBar2;
theta0 = y1{i}(end);
[ti,x,yi] = sim('SimplePendulumWithFeedback', T2, ...
simset('OutputVariables', 'ty', 'RelTol', 1e-5));
t2{i} = ti;
y2{i} = yi;
i = i + 1;
Y1 = [t1; cellfun(@(x) (180/pi)*x, y1, 'UniformOutput', false)];
Y2 = [cellfun(@(x) x+T1, t2, 'UniformOutput', false); cellfun(@(x) (180/pi)*x, y2, 'UniformOutput', false)];
yl = [-45 180];
plot(Y1{:}, ...
Y2{:}, ...
[0 T1+T2], (180/pi)*thetaBar1*[1 1], 'k--', ...
[0 T1+T2], (180/pi)*thetaBar2*[1 1], 'k--', ...
[0 T1+T2], (180/pi)*0*[1 1], 'k-')
l = legend(leg, 'Location', 'SouthEast');
set(l, 'interpreter', 'latex');
xlabel('t (s)')
ylabel('\theta (deg)')
grid on
set(gca, 'YTick', [-45 0 45 90 135 180]);
b = 0 % set b back 0