As I mention in Chapter 6, one can provided additional root-locus “rules” that can help refine plots done by hand. My approach when writing the book was to keep the number of rules to a minimum, reflecting the fact that one will rarely draw a root-locus diagram by hand these days. In my opinion, the main goal here should be to learn how adding, removing, or moving poles and zeros can impact the overall root-locus. Not how to accurately sketch the root-locus. That goal can be accomplished comfortably with the limited set of rules provided in Section 6.4. Yet, every now and then I will get a question such as the one below:
I looked through the book, and I probably missed it, but if we have a root locus that diverges from the real axis and goes complex how do we determine the point at which it diverges? I get that for some plots it will diverge onto the imaginary axis at our center of asymptotes, but for some more complicated plots they diverge from a different point.
Yes, there’s a rule for that!
Continue reading “Root-locus breakaway/breakin points”